In 2015, I became depressed over the state of affairs. Political rhetoric was out of control, hate crimes were up 67% and things seemed dismal at best. One day after reaching my breaking point I called my little brother Brad and I cried on the phone for almost 2 hours about all of the negativity. My brother didn’t know what to do or say but he sent me a meme. It was a picture of a little guinea pig wearing heart shaped glasses and it read “I can’t see the haters with my love glasses on”.
It was at that moment that I decided to go out and buy a pair of heart shaped glasses. I felt like it was a shield to go out in the world and that if anyone said or did anything negative to me, I would be ready. However, that is not what happened…not even close.
It was after a short time that I decided that I wanted to not only go out and socialize more but I carried myself differently and more confidently and understood the power of choosing to see the world with love and that these love glasses were reminders that I could do just that. I came home and told my husband that I wanted to start a Love Glasses Revolution to help others find their voice and be confident in who they are.
Shortly Love Glasses Revolution was born and it wasn’t long that we were manufacturing our own quality yet affordable love glasses inscribed with the words “Love Glasses Revolution” and offering them to others to remind them that they too can choose love. It became a movement, people all over the world are now wearing love glasses. We call our followers love rebels, they are people who are actively rebelling against the negativity and hate. They do all sorts of things in the world, they are professionals, artists, writers, students, activists, teachers but they are all tied together with a common thread that they want to make the world a better place. They care and they show up and use their voices, their way, their style.
We hope that you will join the thousands of people who take the pledge to choose to see the world with love. It is because of you we are changing the world and it is because of you we are the Love Glasses Revolution.
I would wear my love glasses to the grocery store and it never failed that someone would say, “Oh I love your heart shaped sunglasses!” and I would respond “they are my love glasses!” and then they would ask “Where can I get some?” Each and every time I went out I would have an interaction and it was often times around my glasses. Things started to change and I looked forward to going out and find new people to meet and share a kind word or a smile.
LOVE GLASSES are amazing, stylish and FUN to wear but they are more than that. They are a symbol and statement that you are choosing to see the good and BE the good in the world. It's a message to the world that you live on your own terms and you write your own narrative.
There are only 2 “asks” to join the LOVE GLASSES REVOLUTION
1. We ask you to take the Love Glasses Revolution Pledge and say “I choose to view the world with Love”.When we wear our LOVE GLASSES:"We choose to SEE the world with our LOVE GLASSES, viewing the world on our terms, repelling the negativity around us and increasing random acts of kindness and understanding that those small acts make a large impact.
We view life as a gift and we live each day with gratitude."
2. WE ASK YOU TO SHARE THE LOVE! Literally share all the GOOD and random acts of kindness on facebook and Instagram using #LoveGlassesRevolution. They can be selfies, stories, good deeds. Share the good, share wide and share far. We need it more now than ever!
Our goal is to inspire people to see the good and be the good in the world
Educate people that they have a choice, they can be the change and spread LOVE and KINDNESS
Let's connect and make the commitment that we can love each other and share love no matter what